Bidirectional communication between oocytes and somatic cells 卵母细胞和体细胞的双向交流

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It has long been realized that the granulose cells support oocyte development. These follicular somatic cells direct many specific oocyte functions including maintenance of the oocyte in meiotic arrest, subsequently promoting reinitiation of meiosis and nuclear maturation, and promoting oocyte competence to undergo fertilization. Recently, it has become apparent that the oocyte itself communicates directly with the granulose cells.


There is bidirectional communication between the oocytes and the surrounding somatic cells via gap junctions and paracrine signaling, with this feedback loop facilitating the growth and development of both cell types during folliculogenesis. The oocyte actively directs a favorable microenvironment for the acquisition of its own developmental competence (1).


Cumulus cell expansion is a good example of this cumulus cell/oocyte interaction (1). In the peri-ovulatory period, the cumulus cells expand to form a radiating layer in response to the midcycle surge of luteinizing hormone or exogenous human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Cumulus expansion denotes a grade III oocyte, the optimal stage for fertilization (2). During expansion, cumulus cells secrete a hyaluronic acid-rich matrix that binds the oocyte and cumulus together, facilitates follicular extrusion and oviductal fimbrial capture, and allows sperm penetration and fertilization (3). Cumulus expansion is imperative for normal oocyte development in vivo, and oocytes not associated with cumulus expansion have limited potential for implantation (2). Expansion of the cumulus layer appears to be regulated by growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), an oocyte-secreted member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, and other oocyte-secreted factors such as bone morphogenic protein 15 (BMP15) (4,5).


GDF9 induces hyaluronan synthase 2 (has2) in cumulus cells (4) stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid, which facilitates cumulus expansion (5, 6). GDF9 also facilitates cumulus expansion via the induction of cyclooxygenase 2 (PTGS2) and the resultant prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production (7), both of which are required for cumulus expansion (8).


Mice lacking functional PTGS2 have defects in ovulation, fertilization, decidualization, and implantation (9). Systemic treatment with PGE2 restores the ability of PTGS2 knock-out mice to ovulate (10). Calder et al. (8) examined expression of PTGS2 and prostaglandin receptor mRNA in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes and found that expression of PGTS2 and EP2 mRNA is dependent on time of maturation and oocyte quality. Complexes in which the oocyte is microsurgically removed and cultured with recombinant GDF9 can be induced to undergo cumulus expansion (7).

缺乏功能性PTGS2的小鼠在排卵,受精,蜕膜和胚胎着床方面存在缺陷(9)。用PGE2进行系统性治疗可恢复PTGS2小鼠的排卵能力(10)。Colder等人(8)检测到牛的卵丘-卵母细胞复合物中PTGS2和前列腺素受体mRNA的表达,发现PGTS2和EP2 mRNA的表达取决于成熟时间和卵母细胞质量。在卵母细胞通过显微外科术移除后加入重组GDF9一起培养的环境中的复合物可以用于诱导卵丘扩张(7)。



1. Matzuk MM, Burns KH, Viveiros MM, Eppig JJ. Intercellular communication in the mammalian ovary: oocytes carry the conversation. Science 2002;296:2178-80.

2. Veek L (1999). An Atlas of Human Gamates and Conceptuses. New York: Parthenon.

3. Salustri A, Camaioni A, D’Alessandris C. Endocrine and paracrine regulation of cumulus expansion. Zygote 1996;4:313-15.

4. Elvin J, Clark A, Wang P, Wolfman N, Matzuk M. Paracrine actions of growth differentiation factor-9 in the mammalian ovary. Mol Endocrinol 1999;13:1035-48.

5. Su YQ, Wu X, O’Brien MJ, et al. Synergistic roles of BMP 15 and GDF9 in the development and function of the oocyte-cumulus cell complex in mice: genetic eveidence for an oocyte-granulosa cell regulatory loop. Dev Biol 2004;276:64-73.

6. Buccione R, Vanderhyden BC, Caron PJ, Eppig JJ. FSH-induced expansion of the mouse cumulus oophorus in vitro is dependent upon a specific factor(s) secreted by the oocyte. Dev Biol 1990;167:371-8.

7. Elvin JA, Yan C, Matzuk MM. Growth differentiation factor-9 stimulates progesterone synthesis in granulose cells via a prostaglandin E2/EP2 receptor pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000;97:10288-93.

8. Calder MD, Caveney AN, Westhusin ME, Watson AJ. Cyclooxygenase 2 and prostaglandin E2 receptor messenger RNAs are affected by bovine oocyte maturation time and cumulus oocyte complex quality, and PGE2 induces moderate expansion of the bovine cumulus in vitro. Biol Reprod 2001.

9. Lim H, Paria BC, Das SK, et al. Multiple female reproductive failures in cyclooxygenase deficient mice. Cell 1997;91:197-208.

10. Davis BJ, Lennard DE, Lee CA, et al. Anovulation in cyclooxygenase deficient mice is restored by PGE2 and interleukin-1B. Endocrinology 1999;140:2685-95.

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