在胚胎移植前,通过先进的PGD/NGS/PGS技术对囊胚细胞切片进行基因筛查诊断,筛选出优质胚胎 ,可避免染色体异常或者患有家族性遗传疾病的人群将疾病遗传给下一代。
鼠年好孕!恭喜W女士顺利移植一枚男宝! 在CFG的很多案例中,对于女性来说,生育年龄无疑是一道坎。但是在生育这个难题上,有时候不仅是女性的问题,而是伴侣双方都有相应的责任。 34岁的w女士,丈夫查出...
The use of cell phones and the effects of lonizing radiation on male fertility has become an health concern. Since cell phones are constantly being used across the globe and are often placed in the...
Genetic factors causing nonobstructive azoospermia include chromosomal abnormalities, Y-chromosom...
The use of color and pulsed Doppler could improve the sensitivity of making the diagnosis of ecto...
Patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) should be evaluated to determine if...
The presence of anuclear small cellular fragmentation is the norm in in vitro cultured human embr...
Antioxidant therapies have been studied extensively in the ART setting. Oral antioxidants are alr...