在胚胎移植前,通过先进的PGD/NGS/PGS技术对囊胚细胞切片进行基因筛查诊断,筛选出优质胚胎 ,可避免染色体异常或者患有家族性遗传疾病的人群将疾病遗传给下一代。
我29岁,杭州人,备孕3年,双侧输卵管堵塞并且积水,因为在网上看了很多关于输卵管堵塞的帖子,很多人都说做了手术未必会通。所以决定做试管。 本来打算去上海某三甲医院,但是挂号难,流程复杂,又不能做第...
Even though sperm banking is a safe and effective procedure for storing sperm, only few patients who could benefit from it actually choose to do so (1). Authors of a qualitative study of 20 cancer ...
The immediate identification of the catheter may provide a method for precise, atraumatic embryo ...
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a complex pathology diagnosed during the second part of the pregnancy. The ...
Genetic factors causing nonobstructive azoospermia include chromosomal abnormalities, Y-chromosom...
Antioxidant therapies have been studied extensively in the ART setting. Oral antioxidants are alr...
The use of color and pulsed Doppler could improve the sensitivity of making the diagnosis of ecto...