Medical treatment of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 重度卵巢过度刺激综合征的药物治疗方案

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Patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) should be evaluated to determine if the meet the criteria for admission to the hospital, in particular if they present with shortness of breath or diminished urine output or abdominal pain. The medical management relies on the restoration of the intravascular volume to assist with renal perfusion as well as preventing thromboembolism.


Correction of circulatory volume


The main line of treatment is correction of the circulatory volume and electrolyte imbalance. Several authors have described fluid management protocol for patient presenting with severe OHSS. At the Johns Hopkins Hospital, all the patients admitted with OHSS are initially treated with 1L of normal saline over one hour (1). Lactated Ringer solution (Hopkins protocol) is not recommended because many of the OHSS patients tend to be hyponatremic. If the patient has a satisfactory urine output in response to the fluid bolus, at least 50 mL over the hour after the fluid bolus, an IV fluid maintenance protocol is initiated. Typically 5% dextrose in normal saline is infused at 125-150 mL per hour and urine output is assessed every four hours. Hematocrit is determined four to six hours after the start of IV hydration to insure that hemoconcentration is corrected. If there is inadequate response in the urine output from the initial 1 L fluid bolus, IV crystalloid fluids are stopped and a regimen of low volume hyperosmolar IV therapy is begun. An IV infusion of 200 mL of 25% albumin solution is given over four hours and the hematocrit is rechecked until it is 36%-38%.

治疗的首要目标是恢复血流量和解决电解质紊乱的问题。有几位研究人员描述了通过流体药物治疗院中OHSS患者的方案。在约翰霍普金斯医院,所有住院的OHSS患者最开始都用1L生理盐水治疗超过一个小时(1)。由于许多OHSS患者容易患有低钠血症,因此不推荐使用乳酸林格溶液(霍普金斯方案)。如果患者在生理盐水滴注后尿量达标,即在滴注后1小时内尿量至少有50mL,则可以开始静脉滴注维持方案。生理盐水中含有5%的葡萄糖,通常会以每小时125-150mL的速度输入,需要每四个小时检测一次尿量。在静脉滴注开始后四到六小时内需检测血细胞比容,以确保血液浓缩得以纠正。如果在滴注1L生理盐水后尿量反应不足,应当停止生理盐水滴注,改为使用低容量高渗透液体滴注方案,可以在四小时内用静脉滴注200mL 25%的白蛋白溶液,并重新检查血细胞比容直至达到36%-38%。

Albumin, dextran, mannitol, and hydroxyethyl starch have been used for the management of severe OHSS (2). Hydroxyethyl starch has the advantage of a non-biological origin and a high molecular weight of 200-1000 Kda versus 69 Kda for albumin. Abramov et al. (3) compared the efficacy of hydroxyethyl starch with albumin in 16 patients. They observed higher urine output, fewer paracenteses, and shorter hospital stays with hydroxyethyl starch. Gamzu et al. (4) compared hydroxyethyl starch and Haemaccel and found no clinical advantage for the hydroxyethyl starch.


Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia


Electrolyte imbalances are frequently encountered in cases of severe OHSS. Appropriate electrolyte solutions should be used and restriction of salt and water is not recommended. Hyperkalemia may be associated with cardiac arrhythmias, and thus acute management may involve treatment that transfers potassium into the intracellular space such as with insulin, glucose, and sodium bicarbonate, and to protect the heart from elevated potassium levels such as with calcium gluconate, as recommended by the ASRM Practice Committee. Electrocardiagraphic manifestations of cardiac arrhythmias include prolonged PR and QRS intervals, ST segment depression, and tall peak T waves. These indicate the immediate need for treatment with calcium gluconate. Cation exchange removes potassium from the body but its onset of action is one to two hours. It may be administered orally, or rectally as a retention enema.




Diuretics therapy without prior volume expansion may precipitate intravascular coagulation. Lasix is used in patients with pulmonary edema. Some authors have recommended albumin/Lasix chase for the management of patients with severe OHSS (5).




Thromboembolism is the most dangerous complication of OHSS. The majority of thromboembolic cases are venous in origin. Most of the serious complications, however, arise from arterial thromboses. The timing of arterial and venous thrombosis in OHSS patients differed. Arterial events usually occurred concurrently with the onset of OHSS whereas venous thromboses may occur several weeks after the clinical resolution of OHSS.


Patients with severe OHSS should be started on subcutaneous heparin, 5000 units twice daily, or Lovenox, 40 mg subcutaneously, immediately on admission to the hospital and this regimen should continue throughout the hospital stay (6). Prophylactic doses of anticoagulants should also be considered for patients who develop moderate and severe OHSS even if they are treated as outpatients (6). This treatment should be maintained for an extended period of one to two months beyond the clinical resolution of OHSS.




1. Whelan JG, Vlahos NF. The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Fertil Steril 2000; 73: 883-896.

2. Badawy SZA, Rizk B. Controlled ovarian stimulatioin in difficult cases. Sex Reprod Menopause 2011; 9: 17-23.

3. Abramov Y, Fatum M, Abrahamov D, Schenker JG. Hydroxyethylastarch versus human albumin for the treatment of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: a preliminary report. Fertil S2001;75: 1228-1230.

4. Gamzu R, Almog B, Levin Y, et al. Efficacy of Hydroxyethyl starch and Haemaccel for the treatment of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Fertil Steril 2002; 77:1302-1303.

5. Rizk B, Aboulghar MA. Classification, pathophysiology and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In: Brinsden P ed. Textbook of In-vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction. 2nd edn. Canforth, UK: Parthenon. 1999; 131-155.

6. Chan WS. The ‘ART’ of thrombosis: a review of arterial and venous thrombosis in assisted reproductive technology. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2009; 21: 207-218.

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